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Image parameters (continued)

Color Saturation

The Color Saturation setting adjusts the vividness of colours. Again settings range from -4 to +4 on the 400D and in DPP, again changed from the EOS 350D settings of -2 to +2.

Color Saturation -4

Color Saturation -2

Color Saturation 0

Color Saturation +2

Color Saturation +4

Color Tone

Color Tone shifts colours, particularly skin tones, from more red to more yellow and vice versa. As before, the range is from -4 to +4 on the 400D and in DPP, with settings ranging from -2 to +2 on the EOS 350D. I feel a visual demonstration of this one is particularly helpful.

Color Tone -4

Color Tone -2

Color Tone 0

Color Tone +2

Color Tone +4

Bundled software

An excellent overview of the software bundled with the EOS 400D can be found on here

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All text and images © Adrian J Warren 2008. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, drop me a line at: