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Image parameters

Picture Style

Picture Styles are intended to bring standardised image settings across all the current Canon dSLR range. So, whether you shoot with an EOS 1Ds mkIII or the EOS 400D, if they're both using the same Picture Style then the colours, contrast and overall sharpness should be consistent between them. In some ways you could regard it as choosing the "film" you put into the camera; for example the Landscape Picture Style is reminiscent of Fuji Velvia, while conversely the slightly stronger reds of Portrait Picture Style puts one in mind of a Kodak film.

If you wish to create your own Picture Styles Canon have kindly made a Picture Style Editor available, so you can create your own and share them with others if you wish.

It should be noted that Picture Styles do not affect RAW files unless you use Canon's Digital Photo Professional software to process them, so if you're only shooting RAW and use a different conversion tool they're not relevant to you.

Picture Style descriptions

Picture Style Canon Description Tone curve Colour
Standard Vivid colors and sharp images Above average saturation
Portrait Nice skin tones and low sharpening Boosts red
Landscape Vivid blue skies and greenery and very sharp images High contrast, but lifts shadows The most saturated profile; boosts green and blue particularly.
Neutral Natural colors and muted tones Low contrast Low saturation
Faithful Accurate subject colors as obtained under a color temperature of 5200K Low contrast Most accurate
Monochrome Sharp black-and-white images n/a

Picture Style default settings

Picture Style Sharpness Contrast Saturation Color tone
Standard 3 0 0 0
Portrait 2 0 0 0
Landscape 4 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0
Faithful 0 0 0 0
Monochrome 3 0 N:None N:None

Picture Styles demonstrated

The following images were converted from a single RAW file using the various Picture Style settings in Canon DPP.







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All text and images © Adrian J Warren 2008. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, drop me a line at: