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Timings & File Sizes

The EOS 400D's performance was excellent for an entry level model, with no real issues. The excellent writing performance of the camera means that it will benefit from using the fastest cards particularly if you're shooting bursts.

Action Time, secs
(2GB SanDisk Extreme IV)
AF time (s0-s1): 0.2s
Off to shot MF: 0.5s
Off to shot AF (s0-s2): 0.8s
On to shot MF: 0.01s
On to shot AF (s0-s2): 0.4s
All 1/500@f2.8, LF-JPEG

Burst of JPEG Large/Fine images

Timing 2GB Sandisk Extreme IV CF 4GB Sandisk Ultra II CF
Frame rate 3fps 3fps
Number of frames Unlimited 73
Buffer full rate 3fps erratic (average 0.9fps over the next 1 min 8 secs)
Next burst n/a 22s

Sandisk Ultra II 4GB, Large Fine JPEG images

Click here to enlarge

Burst of RAW images

Timing 2GB Sandisk Extreme IV CF 4GB Sandisk Ultra II CF
Frame rate 3fps 3fps
Number of frames 12 12
Buffer full rate erratic (average 0.4fps over the next 1 min 8 secs) erratic (average 0.85fps over the next 1 min 8 secs)
Next burst 5.8 secs; 2 images 2.7 secs; 2 images

Sandisk Ultra II 4GB, RAW images

Click here to enlarge

File sizes

The continuous shooting test was carried out at fixed settings, and as a result the images are slightly smaller than average. This doesn't impact the performance significantly, but remember that the filesizes below will be at the low end of the scale.

JPEG large/fine 1363kB
RAW (.CR2) 7848kB
RAW + JPEG large/fine 9080kB + 1363kB = 10443kB

Note that the filesize of the RAW file also increases when you select RAW + Large/Fine JPEG. In this situation the camera appears to be embedding the fullsize JPEG within the RAW file in addition to creating another separate JPEG file at the same time; this behaviour is present even in the latest firmware available at time of writing (1.1.1).

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